Healing & Supportive Remedies

The Healing Remedies are Sacred Plant Essences that may support processing and clearing the issues related to emotional wounding, fear, shame, obsessions and grief.

They may support facing and processing these challenging issues, providing the mindful awareness that allows for catharsis and emotional clearing. *

The Supportive Remedies address specific challenges and compliment the other remedies in the transformative journey.

The effects of these processing and supportive remedies may be further enhanced by combining them with other Qualities of Self Remedies.

The Healing Remedies should be used with knowledge of how to be self-supporting, as their primary action is to bring the issues related to emotional wounding, shame, fear, grief, and obsessions to consciousness – where they may be processed and cleared.

If you experience intense feelings that become unmanageable while using these remedies, this may be evidence that you need help from a facilitator, or more knowledge of how to be self-supporting.

We encourage you to seek a facilitator if you are inexperienced in managing emotional catharsis. Please use the resources we have provided to learn how to use the remedies effectively.

Sacred Plant Essence Resources

For FREE printable information about the Sacred Plant Essences and other books about healing visit Books & Free Information.

More Self-supporting tools may be found HERE.



The Healing Remedies


This sacred plant remedy is a combination of distilled water and brandy with essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi), Mimulus, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, White Chestnut, Clematis, and Agrimony. 1/2 oz. (15 ml)

Indications: When there is a need for relief of panic and anxiety, racing thoughts, agitation, paranoia and fear.

Suggested Use: For daily use to assist with episodes of panic, paranoia, anxiety and racing thoughts. *

Companion Remedies: This remedy may be complimented with the use of other remedies – Connection, Clarity and Hope.


This sacred plant remedy is a combination of distilled water and brandy with essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi), Gentian, Hornbeam, Star of Bethlehem and Walnut. 1/2 oz. (15 ml)

Indications: When there is a need for processing and healing the effects of grief and loss.

Suggested Use:  For daily use to assist with relief of discouragement, weariness and apathy, stress, shock, and adjusting to major life changes. *

Companion Remedies: This remedy may be complimented with the use of other remedies – Hope, Courage, and Connection.


This sacred plant remedy is a combination of distilled water and brandy with essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi), California Butterweed, Clematis, White Chestnut, Pine, and Walnut. 1/2 oz. (15 ml)

Indications: When there is a need for supporting the process of overcoming addictions.

Suggested Use:  For daily use to assist and support life change, with relief of agitation, racing thoughts, and obsessive behaviors. *

Companion Remedies: This remedy may be complimented with the use of other remedies – Calm, Hope, and Connection.


This sacred plant remedy is a combination of distilled water and brandy with essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi), Impatiens, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut, Vine and Willow. 1/2 oz. (15 ml)

Indications: When there is a need for processing and healing the effects of emotional trauma.

Suggested Use:  For daily use to assist with relief of the effects of past emotional traumas – irritability, tension, depression, mental anguish and bitterness. *

Companion Remedies: This remedy may be complimented with the use of other remedies – Calm, Hope, and Connection.


This sacred plant remedy is a combination of distilled water and brandy with essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi), Cherry Plum, Crab Apple, Larch, and Star of Bethlehem. 1/2 oz. (15 ml)

Indications: When there is a need for processing and healing the effects of shame.

Suggested Use:  For daily use to assist with relieving shame, self-loathing, and feelings of inferiority. *

Companion Remedies: This remedy may be complimented with the use of other remedies – Confidence, Courage, and Connection.

The Supportive Remedies

(Ayahuasca & Chacruna)

This sacred plant essence is a combination of distilled water, brandy, and essences of Ayahuascra and Chacruna. The remedy provides loving support and awareness of the true issues that may be driving emotional distress; its primary action is to bring these issues to the surface where they may be resolved. This is the base essence for all of the other remedies.

Suggested Use: For meditative practices and emotional clearing and for daily use to assist with relief of anxiety, depression and dissociative states.*

This remedy should not be used without adequate knowledge of how to be self-supporting in the process of clearing emotional traumas; as its primary action is to bring these issues to consciousness where they may be resolved. It is best used in the presence of a facilitator if you are inexperienced in managing emotional catharsis.


This sacred plant remedy is a combination of distilled water, brandy, essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi) and Chacruna (Psychotria viridis), with essences of Wild Rose, Gorse, Aspen, and Honeysuckle.

Indications: When there is a need for motivation, hope for change, feelings of security that all will be well, and living in the present.

Suggested Use:  For daily use to assist with relief of hopelessness, despair, and apathy.*


This sacred plant essence remedy is a combination of distilled water, brandy, with essences of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and Chacruna (Psychotria viridis), Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, and Chestnut Bud. 1/2 oz. (15 ml)

Indications: When there is a need for loving support and calm in crisis, whether emotional, mental, or physical. It may be helpful for bringing calm to a traumatic situation, as well as grounding back into the physical body when trauma has caused disconnection from Self.  *

Suggested Use:  Use as needed for support and calm during traumatic events (mental emotional, or physical).

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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